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From: David B. Held (dheld_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-02 13:56:42

"Hamlet" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> I'm (desperately) looking for a serious comparative review of Loki vs.
> Boost libraries. Although the differences are quite clear, still it would
> be nice to see a serious comparison, especially in the features that
> exists in both places, i.e. smart pointers,

Highly controversial. You might see some new developments in the
coming weeks. Stay tuned.

> small obj. allocator,

Not 100% sure how it compares or relates to boost::pool, but my general
impression is that there is overlap, but around the 30-50% level. That is,
they actually don't have the same goals and behaviour.

> type traits

I believe Andrei himself has said that the boost::type_traits are more
complete. I think taking a look will pretty much confirm that.

> and template meta-programming.

Again, highly controversial. Technically, you can do things "the Loki way"
in MPL, but I don't know enough about either to illustrate. To that extent,
I believe that MPL is more or less a proper superset of Loki::TypeList.

> Does anybody knows if there exists such a paper somewhere, or
> alternatively have his own insights about the libraries?

Not sure about such a paper, but take my opinions expressed here with
a grain of salt. ;)


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