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From: Alisdair Meredith (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-02 14:43:23

I have a std::map<std::string, MyObject> and want to iterate over it
calling several member functions of MyObject. This seems like a good
case to learn about transform/projection iterator, but I am having a
hard time getting a compiling example.

My most recent attempt looks like this:

class MyObject
  void CommitChanges();
  void RollbackChanges();
  // More implementation details would follow

typedef std::map<std::string, MyObject> MyMap;
typedef MyMap::iterator MyIterator;
typedef MyMap::value_type mapped_type;

typedef boost::projection_iterator_generator< Select2ndRef<mapped_type>,
MyIterator >::type projection;

MyMap theMap;

projection begin( theMap.begin() );
projection end( theMap.begin() );
for_each( begin, end, mem_fun_ref( MyObject::CommitChanges ) );

I also have the following two templates, although I suspect their
equivalent must be lurking in boost somewhere:

template<class pair_type>
struct Select1stRef
    typedef typename pair_type::first_type & result_type;
    result_type operator()( pair_type &source ) const
        return source.first;

template<class pair_type>
struct Select2ndRef
    typedef typename pair_type::second_type & result_type;
    result_type operator()( pair_type &source ) const
        return source.second;

I am compiling using BCB5 compiler in the IDE, should be equivalent to
the free 5.5.1 command line compiler.

While I could simply write a forwarding functor in a fraction of the
time it will take me to solve this, there is definitely a ne tool I
would like to add to my toolbox here once I understand what is
happenning. Unfortunately I am getting somewhat lost in
reference-to-reference issues, and the occasional compiler crash does
not help.

Any and all hints appreciated


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