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From: Nicola Musatti (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-09 09:01:29

Stephan Born wrote:

> Nicola Musatti wrote:
>>Within the singleton class I hold the instance with a shared_ptr. I
>>consider this the best option, as it guarantees the correct order of
>>destruction when a singleton depends on another one.
> But I *want* it to be delete automagically...and I do not see the
> danger: if there is a dependent second_singleton it would hold a
> shared_ptr to my singleton, and singleton would not be destroyed before
> second_singleton is destroyed by its own. Maybe it should be made an
> option by using policies....but I really do not the danger.

I think we mean the same thing. The only thing I was pointing out is
that my static data member that holds the pointer is a shared_ptr and
not a weak_ptr. This is because I want my singleton instance to survive
even if sometime during execution it isn't used by other objects, rather
than be recreated each time as yours is.

Nicola Musatti

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