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From: Chris Little (cslittle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-10 08:37:30

on 10/9/02 9:00 AM, Martin Stone at yg-boost-users_at_[hidden] wrote:

> I get this too when using Code Warrior for PlayStation2 with
> <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>.
> It appears that the compiler-supplied <cstddef> simply contains #include
> <stddef.h>, so ptrdiff_t is not getting defined in the std namespace. Doing
> this:
> namespace std{using ::ptrdiff_t;}
> #include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
> fixes it, but I'm not sure that this is strictly allowed.
> If anybody knows a better fix, please let me know.


Are you sure you know which files are being included from where?

One problem I have notices with using Boost and Metrowerks is that since
Boost includes headers files with the same name as the standard header files
if you are not careful with the paths then the files from Boost are included
and not Metrowerks'.

What I do is setup my System Paths so that MSL is searched first and then

You might try viewing the preprocessed output of the source file you're
compiling and see what is being included from where.


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