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From: Chris Little (cslittle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-10 13:10:02

on 10/10/02 1:26 PM, David Abrahams at dave_at_[hidden] wrote:

> I think that's a mistake, Chris. The only place Boost includes headers
> with the same names as standard ones is in the compatibility
> library. If we are replacing any standard headers, it's intentional. I
> think the reason you have trouble with CW is their crazy convention of
> automatically enabling *recursive* search through any of the #include
> paths you specify. IMO you should turn that off and specify each
> directory explicitly, so you know what you're getting.

Isn't it strange how you can get tunnel vision about the solutions to
problems. We have so many projects that rely on the recursive search that I
forget that it doesn't exist in other tools and boost doesn't rely on it.

I agree that a better solution for Martin is to make sure that the recursive
search of the boost directory is turned off and see if this helps.


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