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From: Jeff Faust (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-11 10:31:32

And what about new releases? It seems like you'd have to examine every file
again. I don't know all the legal issues involved, but I think a blanket
license could work if handled correctly. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but
it would make life easier, and would remove a major cost of using this free

Would it be worth going through the channels here and finding out what my
company's lawyer would be satisfied with? I think he'd be perfectly willing
to give some advice. After all, he's already gone through the files once,
and with 1.29 just around the corner...


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Dimov [mailto:pdimov_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 8:19 AM
To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
Subject: Re: [Boost-Users] Re: boost vs. The Lawyers (non-technical)

From: "Jeff Faust" <jeff_at_[hidden]>
> My company's lawyer did go through every file, and I had meant to bring
> issue up sooner. Boost should be something that I, as a developer for a
> company, can recognize as something useful and should be able to
> it without too much hindrance. In truth, it was quite difficult and took
> long time. The only difficulty was the license. Some blanket license, as
> text file with the release, would aid greatly in convincing lawyer-types
> that it's safe to use.

> From: Elliot Murphy [mailto:elliot.murphy_at_[hidden]]
> That would be helpful. Some of my colleagues have had
> terribly frustrating experiences trying to get our lawyers to
> approve the use of various boost libraries. The lawyers don't seem
> to like the idea of going into every source file to read a license
> agreement.

IANAL, but it seems to me that a blanket license in a text file would have
no legal value if the actual source files say something different;
therefore, it is the lawyers' job to go into every source file anyway, to be
on the safe side (applies to any library, not just Boost.) I think.

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