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From: Chris Russell (cdr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-11 21:10:12

Hello Jakub,

the search data returned by DFS (via the visitor callbacks) only asserts the
existence of edges in the graph and is by definition not dependent on edge
properties. How about creating a new algorithm that's based on the DFS code?
That seems much simpler than running through the DFS and correlating with
edge weights in the context of the visitor.

Hope this helps - Chris

"Jakub Plichta" <jplichta_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Hello
> I am using an adjacency list graph. During a dfs traversal I would like to
> be control the order of edge traversal. Specifically I have an edge
> with an index value and I would like to traverse the higher index edges
> first.
> I have tried getting the out_edges iterator and resorting the edges base
> their index but that does not seem to make any difference.
> Any suggestions would be very greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jakub Plichta
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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