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Boost Users :

From: S. Scott Collis (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-11 18:03:33

I appologize if this has been addressed before. I did a quick search of
the of the new group and didn't find anything.

I just tried to port a code that uses Boost to a new computer loaded
with RedHat 7.3. It seems that in 7.3 the /usr/include/asm/atomic.h
header is different and generates a warning (i.e.

  #warning Using kernel header in userland program. BAD!

instead of supplying routines like

  atomic_add and atomin_sub

that are apparently required by Boost for the shared_ptr implementation.

I ended up replacing this 7.3 header with one from 7.1 and this fixed
the problem, but if anyone has a better solution, I would appreciate it.



Dr. Scott Collis, Asst. Prof.    | Tel:   (713) 348-3617
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering  | Fax:   (713) 348-5423
  and Materials Science - MS 321 | 
Rice University                  | Email: collis_at_[hidden]
Houston, TX 77005-1892           |

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