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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 2002-10-14 14:49:19

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edward Diener [mailto:eddielee_at_[hidden]]
> What does it mean in the type_traits documentation that "direct compiler
> support for that traits class is required" ? I do not see that terminology
> explained anywhere and am lost as far as to what it refers.

It means that there is no known way to implement that class (in a
Standard-compliant, portable manner).

The type traits library is in a rather uncomfortable position, since it is
essentially trying to add reflection to the C++ language after the fact.

As currently implemented, the type traits library bends over backwards to
try to provide as much as possible to as many different compilers as
possible. But the simple fact is that it should not really be a library,
but a part of the supplied language.

Some type traits classes technically require compiler support. However,
those classes will all try to take their "best guess" at the correct answer
-- sometimes defaulting to a "safe" default if they can't figure out the
correct answer.


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