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From: Chris Little (cslittle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-23 10:57:56

on 10/23/02 10:48 AM, Bobby Thomale at bobby-thomale_at_[hidden] wrote:

> Yesterday I was trying to help my wife get the Boost libraries to compile in
> her application. It reminded me of an issue I thought I brought up a while
> ago (maybe I forgot) that still exists in the boost Macos.hpp config file.
> In the MacOS.hpp file, it checks to see if you are compiling a Mach-O
> target. If you are, it reasons, you must be using the Apple BSD headers as
> well. This logic is even documented in a comment:
> // If __MACH__, we're using the BSD standard C library, not the MSL:
> #if __MACH__
> The problem with this is that, starting with CW Pro 8, it is actually
> possible to build a Mach-O target and use the MSL in place of the BSD
> libraries. Lots of people are apparently doing this, including my wife. (I
> am still on CFM and have not made the transition to Mach-o yet, but I will
> eventually and I will potentially be in the same boat. The newer Carbon
> APIs are Mach-o only so that is where all the carbon programmers will
> eventually go, and as long as Codewarrior is around, MSL will be there as an
> option for people.)


Change the line to

#if defined(__MACH__) && __MACH__

This was talked about in June on this list and I thought someone had
submitted a patch but I guess not. I'm still building CFM apps so I hadn't

I'll submit a patch so this will be fixed in an upcoming build.


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