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From: dick.bridges_at_[hidden]
Date: 2002-10-30 11:33:31

The boost::regex_search example bumps the start to march through the
sub-expressions and the boost::regex_grep examples demonstrate using the
'callback' for each term.

I was kinda hoping the library provided a "convenience version" that would
take something like "(\\w+)(?:\\.(\\w+))*" and populate the match_results
as if the terms had been expanded <e.g.> "(\\w+)(?:\\.(\\w+))?(?:\\.
(\\w+))?(?:\\.(\\w+))?"</e.g.> Perhaps to some arbitrary limit?

Oh well, given the riches provided, a little while loop now and then is
surely a small price to pay. ;)

Thanks for the response. I'm continually amazed at the ethos fostered by
Boost group members.

                      "Edward Diener"
                      <eddielee_at_tropic To: boost-users_at_[hidden]
            > cc:
                      Sent by: news Subject: [Boost-Users] Re: regex: flag for "global" search?
                      10/29/2002 04:54
                      Please respond
                      to Boost-Users

Use boost::regex_grep. The boost::regex_search only finds the first match.

<dick.bridges_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> I'm trying to capture the sub-expressions in a fqdn (e.g.,
> One piece of Perl-speak for the expression is: "/
> (\w+)\./g". I've been using boost_search and trying variations on "(?:
> (\\w+)\\.)+" but I can't seem to get all the sub-expressions into the
> match_results.
> There's got to be a flag I've been overlooking. Any suggestion will be
> appreciated.

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