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From: Tsvetomir Valtchev (chango_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-31 12:07:54

[I tried to contact the library's author, dietmar.kuehl_at_claas-, but the message bounced back.]

Dear Dietmar,

I was looking for a better heap class than the one in STL and I was
delighted to come across your d_heap class included in the Boost
library. Unfortunately, I had a number of problems with it, and I
figured you might be interested in some feedback.

First, the class didn't compile with VC.NET (and probably won't with
VC 6 either). This might be due to non-conformance on the part of
Microsoft's compiler and some known limitations with template
support, but for some of the issues I think they were due to the non-
conformance of the code itself.

Second, to my dismay, the code turned out to be seriously flawed.
The following simple fragment, for example, causes a crash:

THeap::pointer ptrs[10];
ptrs[0] = heap.push(12);
ptrs[1] = heap.push(16);

After some debugging and deciphering of the code, I found that the
remove() function didn't handle a special case where the node to
be 'sifted up' coincided with the last "hole" left in the tree. I
think pop() had a similar problem. (In my fixed version, I have
expressed pop() in terms of remove(), which resolves the problem and
also avoids some code duplication.)

I hope some day you get around to publishing an improved version.
Another suggestion I have is some way to make sure that the
pointer's passed back by client code are valid. Extensive use of
assertions throughout the code might also prevent various
programming errors.


// Chango V.

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