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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-03 17:15:40

"jefflholle" <jeff.holle_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I've just started experimenting with version 2 of boost.python.
> In iterator.cpp, a std::list is wrapped using following code:
> typedef std::list<int> list_int;
> void push_back(list_int& x, int y)
> {
> x.push_back(y);
> }
> int back(list_int& x)
> {
> return x.back();
> }
> .
> .
> .
> class_<list_int>("list_int")
> .def("push_back", push_back)
> .def("back", back)
> .def("__iter__", iterator<list_int>())
> ;
> Is it possible to use the container methods instead of user defined
> functions?

Sure. But not for the standard containers, because you can't portably
take the address of a standard library (member) function. The
implementation is allowed to add overloads and default arguments, so
there's no way to reliably identify the function you're looking for.

> I've tried the code:
> class_<list_int>("list_int")
> .def("push_back", &list_int::push_back)
> .def("back", &list_int::back)
> .def("__iter__", iterator<list_int>())
> ;
> This doesn't work.
> Am what I'm tried to do possible?


> If so, how?

Write your own container, with predictable function signatures ;-)

                    David Abrahams
dave_at_[hidden] *

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