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From: Mark Storer (mstorer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-04 12:42:21

>Specifically, I'd like to prevent clients from writing the two lines
>preceeding the return from main below. Can anyone help?


You wrote up your sample so anyone could easily compile it... and I did. On
VC++ v6, I got two compiler errors:

samplecode.cpp(58) : error C2663: 'reset' : 2 overloads have no legal
conversion for 'this' pointer
samplecode.cpp(59) : error C2678: binary '=' : no operator defined which
takes a left-hand operand of type 'const class boost::shared_ptr<struct
Shape const >' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

These errors are on the two lines you want to prevent.

My first impression of the code was that it was already illegal to perform
those two actions. You shouldn't be able to call non-const functions
through a const_iterator, and since neither reset() nor operator=() are
const, no problem. Right? I wasn't expecting the first error message, but
the second is in line with my expectations.

I take it this code compiles for you? What tools/OS/etc are you using?

--Mark Storer
  Software Engineer
  Cardiff Software

#include <disclaimer>
typedef std::disclaimer<Cardiff> Discard;

-----Original Message-----
From: Hickman, Greg [mailto:greg.hickman_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 2:22 PM
To: Boost-Users (Boost-Users_at_[hidden])
Subject: [Boost-Users] Iterator Adaptor Question

The following code illustrates a problem I'm having trying to use
iterator_adaptor. Basically, I have a container of shared pointers to
mutable, and I'd like to provide a const_iterator to clients that disallows
modification of both the shared pointer as well as the pointee.
Specifically, I'd like to prevent clients from writing the two lines
preceeding the return from main below. Can anyone help?


#include <boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <vector>

using namespace boost;
using namespace std;

struct Shape {
  virtual ~Shape() {}
  virtual void draw() const = 0;
  virtual void update() = 0;

struct Concrete_shape : Shape {
  void draw() const {}
  void update() {}

typedef shared_ptr<Shape> Shape_ptr;
typedef shared_ptr<const Shape> Const_shape_ptr;

struct Picture {
  typedef vector<Shape_ptr> Shapes;

  // Declare a const_iterator that converts
  // to the underlying Shape_ptr to a
  // Const_shape_ptr. Since the returned
  // Const_shape_ptr is a temporary, clients
  // shouldn't be allowed to modify it.

  typedef iterator_adaptor<
      reference_is<const Const_shape_ptr>,
> const_iterator;

  const_iterator begin() const {
      return const_iterator(shapes_.begin());

  Shapes shapes_;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Picture pic;
  const Picture& cpic = pic;

  pic.shapes_.push_back(Shape_ptr(new Concrete_shape));
  Picture::const_iterator i = cpic.begin();

  // I'd like to prevent clients from writing...

  i->reset(new Concrete_shape);
  *i = Const_shape_ptr(new Concrete_shape);

  return 0;

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