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From: deane_yang (Deane_Yang_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-07 21:26:31

I'll try running the tests, but my assumption is that if there were a problem
with using the date-time library in release mode with the VC6 compiler, you
would have already gotten a lot of grief from millions of irate users. So I
figured it had to be something in my code that caused the problem. If I find the
time, I'll try figure it out. For the moment I have my own date class, and I was
able to use debug mode and the boost test library to test my date class
against yours. They seem to agree on everything, so I'm happy for the

Thanks again for your help.

--- In Boost-Users_at_y..., "Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_c...> wrote:
> > I'm now having a strange problem, where my code using the Boost
> > Date-Time Library compiled with VC6 runs fine in debug mode
> > but throws an exception, saying that the year is out of range, in release
> > I don't suppose you have any idea why this might be happening?
> Not sure, unless there is some sort of template instantiation problem
> with the constrained_value stuff in gregorian/greg_year.hpp Have you
> run the date tests using release mode? It would be interesting to see
> if there is a problem there...
> Jeff

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