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Boost Users :

From: Paul C. Leopardi (leopardi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-10 15:54:13

There are at least two strong arguments here:
1. Use * for element-by-element multiplication of matrices. This treats
matrices as if they were just arrays, with an added "mult" function, but it
has the advantage that it prevents or at least discourages users from writing
poorly performing code.
2. Use * for matrix multiplication. This treats matrices as if they were
elements of a linear algebra, with algebra operations "+" and "*". C++ allows
such abstractions, but there may be a penalty in performance if the
abstraction is abused.

In GluCat - - I implemented Clifford algebras using "+"
and "*". GluCat also has two other products, for which it uses, "&" and "^".
I used "*" for the main product which defines the algebra. Underlying each
Clifford algebra is an isomorphic matrix algebra.
Best regards

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