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From: deane_yang (Deane_Yang_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-12 09:09:23

Thanks for the helpful reply! I just have a few more comments and questions.

> > For example, why is B on both sides of the assignment operator?
> > Does this imply that "B = solve(A,B, tag)" causes B to be
> > replaced by A^{-1}B?
> Oops. I've just looked into the sources (always recommended ;-) and
> that this is a documentation bug. The corrected documentation should read
> C = solve(A, B, tag) <------> C <- A^-1 B
> Corresponding inplace "solvers" are used internally:
> inplace_solve(A, B, ...) <------> B <- A^-1 B
> Maybe I should add an appropriate dispatcher function and document it,

I'm not sure what this means, but having the in-place solver available publicly
sounds like a good idea.

> > And is it standard lingo in some circles to say
> > "solve for a triangular matrix" for the act of replacing a vector
> > or matrix B by A^{-1}B, where A is triangular? I find this odd,
> > since when I say "solve for <something>", I mean that <something>
> > is an unknown object that needs to be found through a calculation.
> Sorry, I'm not a native speaker. How would you correct this?

This is, I admit, a little tricky. The best I can come up with is
"solve a triangular system of equations" or "invert a triangular matrix".


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