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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-15 18:04:27

> BTW the same problem seems to happen with dates such as 20020431,
> 20040230 and so on - if day at end of month is less than 31 it looks
> like it is being accepted and wrapped to the next month...

Yes, the current code is just checking for 'component' out of range
values. That is:
  months < 1
  months > 12
  days < 1
  days > 31

The date as a whole is not validated.
> Hate to ask this but here goes! When will the fixed version be
> available? I don't mean to be rude, just enquiring!

I expect I can get this into CVS in the next week or so. It's
not too big a deal.


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