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From: William E. Kempf (wekempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-21 10:21:41

> Eske Christiansen said:
>> Hej boost-users.
>> I'm compiling a test thread program where I create 255 thread but I
>> get an "Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted." after thread 254 I
>> running redhat 7.3 and using boost 1.28.00. Is it an OS problem or a
>> boost problem?
> I find it strange that it stopped at 255 threads. Maximum number of
> threads in linux is 1024 as defined by PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX in
> /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h. With default stacksize you would have
> allocated 500M of virtual memory, but I am not too sure if that would
> result in thread creation failure.

To quote the FAQ I posted a link to in my response:

"D.10: My application needs to create thousands of threads, or maybe even
more. Can I do this with LinuxThreads?
No. You're going to run into several hard limits:

* Each thread, from the kernel's standpoint, is one process. Stock Linux
kernels (version 2.2 and earlier) are limited to at most 512 processes for
the super-user, and half this number for regular users. This can be
changed by changing NR_TASKS in include/linux/tasks.h and recompiling the
kernel. On the x86 processors at least, architectural constraints seem to
limit NR_TASKS to 4090 at most. (It seems that 2.4 kernels have higher
limits, though.)

* LinuxThreads contains a table of all active threads. This table has room
for 1024 threads at most. To increase this limit, you must change
PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX in the LinuxThreads/glibc sources and recompile.

* By default, each thread reserves 2M of virtual memory space for its
stack. This space is just reserved; actual memory is allocated for the
stack on demand. But still, on a 32-bit processor, the total virtual
memory space available for the stacks is on the order of 1G, meaning that
more than 500 threads will have a hard time fitting in. You can overcome
this limitation by moving to a 64-bit platform, or by allocating smaller
stacks yourself using the setstackaddr attribute.

* Finally, the Linux kernel contains many algorithms that run in time
proportional to the number of process table entries. Increasing this
number drastically will slow down the kernel operations noticeably.
(Other POSIX threads libraries have similar limitations, by the way.) For
all these reasons, you'd better restructure your application so that it
doesn't need more than, say, 100 threads. For instance, in the case of a
multithreaded server, instead of creating a new thread for each
connection, maintain a fixed-size pool of worker threads that pick
incoming connection requests from a queue."

I can't begin to explain why PTHREADS_THREADS_MAX is set to 1024 by
default, when there's either a 512 or 256 hard limit in the OS by default,
but that's not really relevant. It appears he hit the 256 limit on the
number of processes allowed for user accounts (since a thread in Linux is
actually a process).

William E. Kempf

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at