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From: Regis Desgroppes (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-22 03:48:18

Hello to Dale and to other attendees here,

Even if VC++5 is definitely an old, broken C++ compiler, I use
boost::shared_ptr's and boost::weak_ptr's while facing no problems when sharing
them in separate threads (no double deallocation attempts, no memory leaks, no
notable performance fall).


Dale wrote:

> > The #error directive resides in <boost
> > directory>/boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp :
> >
> > // versions check:
> > // we don't support Visual C++ prior to version 6:
> > #if _MSC_VER < 1200
> > #error "Compiler not supported or configured - please reconfigure"
> > #endif
> Configuring boost to work (at least in some form) with the numerous
> compilers out there is very hard. Just look at the config section
> and you'll see the number of #define's involved.
> No testing is made for this compiler (which was released 5 1/2
> years ago and replaced just over 4 years ago with VC6) and is severely
> broken.
> I guess no testing === not supported (we're professional here!)
> > As you can see, the version check doesn't deal with threads at all...
> > Moreover, I compile in (debug) multithreaded mode and the PThread/WIN32
> > library I have is itself compiled in (release) multithreaded mode so
> > I'm not supposed to face problems with run-time errors due to using
> > wrong C/C++ run-time libraries.
> Yep, that appears to be the case.
> > What I've found in many boost sources is that there are a lot
> > of #if _MSC_VER
> > compared to values lesser than 1200 (VC++6), so at least a few parts
> > of the sources are compatible with VC++5, right ?
> > I'll be grateful if someone could give me a link that explain
> > why the boost team has decided to put this version check (unconditional)
> > while leaving parts of the sources with behaviors depending on previous
> > versions of VC++...
> The Boost 'team' consists of volunteers who contribute individual libraries.
> Some of these libraries were developed with support for VC5, most weren't.
> Boost is trying to remove checks for individual compilers in the source
> code and replace them with general checks that are configured with the
> config system. VC5 is so old and broken it's not registered on the current
> developers radar :-)
> I suggest that you fiddle with the config system (treating VC5 as VC6
> initially) and run the regression tests to see how much/little of boost will
> work with VC5.
> - Dale.
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