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From: Alexei Novakov (alexei_novakov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-22 17:26:22

--- Jon Agiato <JonAgiato_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I know this is going to sound terribly naive, but
> how does one define DNDEBUG? I am using VS.NET and
> Borland Enterprise 6.0. Thanks!

add -DNDEBUG to command line arguments. Unfortunately
I don't know where exactly you can edit command line
arguments in VC.NET.


> Jon Agiato
> JonAgiato_at_[hidden]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: alexei_novakov
> To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 4:15 PM
> Subject: [Boost-Users] Re: uBLAS, MTL performance
> tests.
> Thanks Joerg,
> >
> > This is too much abstraction penalty for uBLAS.
> Did you define -
> > (enabling expression templates and disabling
> bounds and type
> checks)?
> Oh yeah. NDEBUG really makes a difference. Now
> dense matrix
> performance rocks. I was confused a bit, cause
> usually special flag
> is used to compile debug version, not release one.
> But it works too
> as long as one knows about the trick.
> I will test more with sparse matrices.
> Regards.
> Alexei.

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