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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-23 07:22:44

> When I use bjam to compile the regexp library it compiles seems happy
> and then no code works properly, seg faults, rubbish results etc.
> When I compile using a modified make file of the shared-gcc.mak
> (modifications follow):
> INCLUDES= -I/export/home/ctwiner/STLport-4.5.3/stlport
> -L/export/home/ctwiner/STLport-4.5.3/lib
> LIBS= -lstlport_gcc_stldebug
> # compiler:
> CXX=g++
> LINKER=g++ -shared -fPIC
> #
> # compiler options for release build:
> #
> C1=-c -O2 -I../../../ -fPIC
> #
> # compiler options for debug build:
> #
> C2=-c -g -I../../../ -fPIC
> It builds but even linking to the .so created causes a seg fault.
> I know that stlport is ok because I have programs linking to the new
> version using std::map's vectors and strings.
> I posted another message using 2.95 which had the same/similar
> problems. Everything seems to build fine but running causes seg faults.
> The solaris version is 2.8. When using the bjam built files and
> trying to run the compiled regexp_tests the locale_impl.h of stlports
> asserts at line 60.
> latest downloads of all librarys have been used.

Can you cd into boost-root/status and do a:

bjam -sTOOLS=whatever regex

and let me have the results?

With luck it might help me narrow down the issues (remember I don't have
access to the platform you are using).


John Maddock

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