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From: Stephen Crowley (stephenc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-25 18:52:25

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 03:29:49PM -0800, Mark Storer wrote:
> >The only problem with it currently is that the
> >smart_class MUST be managed with smart_ptrs,
> >if you try to 'delete' it, it will try to delete
> >itself and crash.
> This seems like a problem that could be overcome through overloading the
> "delete" operator. Perhaps if you declared your delete operator as
> protected (or private), and then made the smart pointers you wanted to use
> friends?

I thought of that, but it still wouldn't solve the problem of stack

> That would force you to use a specific set of smart pointer classes, but
> that doesn't sound like it would be a problem in your case.
> It's fixing the symptom rather than the disease, but is better than nothing.
> Turning runtime errors into compiletime errors is always a Good Thing.

Yeah, it would be nice if there were no errors at all however. I'm sure
there is a way to solve the problem and have the smart_class behave nicely
in all cases. When I get some more time I might try to work on it.


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