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From: Jaakko Jarvi (jajarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-27 10:42:54

> Is it possible to discern one-argument lambda expressions from
> two-argument expressions ? I would like to do something like this:

Currently no. Can you tell a bit more where you would need this kind of
feature. It is possible to make this possible if there is real need.


> template<typename UNARY_LAMBDA_FUNC>
> void f(UNARY_LAMBDA_FUNC ulf) {
>         ulf(arg);
> }
> template<typename BINARY_LAMBDA_FUNC>
> void f(BINARY_LAMBDA_FUNC blf) {
>         blf(arg1, arg2);
> }
>         -Claus
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-- Jaakko Järvi                       email: jajarvi_at_[hidden]
-- Post Doctoral Fellow               phone: +1 (812) 855-3608
-- Pervasive Technology Labs          fax:   +1 (812) 855-4829
-- Indiana University, Bloomington

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