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From: Holger Thiele (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-30 11:14:17

"Hartmut Kaiser" <hartmutkaiser_at_[hidden]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Holger Thiele wrote:
> > Spirit has been accepted into boost, so i guess this is the
> > correct group
> > for posting this question.
> > Trying to build the simplexml example, i get the following
> > output from msvc6
> > sp5
> > (and similar ones from msvc 7):
> >
> [sniped error messages]
> Not all features of spirit are supported for all compilers (yet). Please
> have a look at
>, where
> you can find a list of supported compilers (which compiler can handle
> which sample/feature).

I already checked there, but unfortunately the simplexml example is not
listed :-(
I reckoned that the example should compile because it is also included in
special spirit msvc distribution. Furthermore, the errors accurately
describe a
"simple" double definition of the boolean_as_class_types in boost
and the special "spirit iterator msvc workaround header". So my assumption
was that i simply forgot a global #define or the like.
So far i couldn't find any build information in the spirit distribution.

> Regards Hartmut
> PS: I took the liberty to forward your message to the spirit mailing
> list.

Thanks - although nobody seems to be able to help me out there,
either :-(



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