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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-01 06:33:32

> Sorry, I didn't qualify my problem correctly. The problem comes in
> when the column list is too long, opposite of what you tested.
> Also, I doubt the problem is duplicable in such certain conditions,
> so if you want to try the full program, it will take about 5 minutes
> to download and test and then try the same test, except with the
> gibberish in the first ()'s and not the second ()'s.

I tried to look at your code, but can't compile because of:

#include <xmlparse.h>

whatever that is.

If you want me to look at this, can you please try and boil it down to a
reproducable test case, or failing that mail me a .zip file privately
containing everything needed to build the app, plus a text file containing
the input that demonstrates the problem. Remember that I'm likely to be
building on Win32 not linux: I know next to nothing about debugging gcc
built apps, so there's no mileage to be gained by me trying to do that
rather than you.

John Maddock

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