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Boost Users :

From: Malcolm Smith (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-09 15:38:21

I'm no expert on these type of libraries but I have come to the point where
I must find time to study *this* library more.

I have a current project that requires some re-writes in specific areas and
I'm hoping Boost will be able to make this job easier.

Is there something in boost that will ease the implementation of a
state-machine type functor.

As an example, I am using a 3rd party C++Builder component that makes socket
connections to hardware devices. I need to modify the connection code so
'what needs to be done after a connection success/failure' is handled in the
appropriate events. The thing is, this connection event can be called due
to connections in other areas of the application under different conditions.

If I can implement a state based connection handler then I could re-direct
the calls to the appropriate (alternate) event.

As an example (I'm only just starting to read up on the STL), I know I could
use a std::map to hold state values as the key and call the appropriate
handler via a pointer to a function in .second - what I'm hoping is there is
a library that allows for unrestricted function signatures (different
parameter lists) to be associated with state values.

To make this clearer

  // I know this is not valid code but it explains what I'm after
  typedef std::map<int, *pf(...)> StateFunctions;

  void Method1(void);
  int Method2(TCustomClass &MyClass);

  StateFunctions[1] = Method1;
  StateFunctions[2] = Method2;

Does this make sense to anyone ? I've probably got all the terminology
wrong so feel free to correct me where ever applicable.

Thanks in advance.

Malcolm Smith
MJ Freelancing-
Software Protection for C++Builder
Borland Technology Partner

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