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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-10 08:56:34

On Tuesday 10 December 2002 04:48 am, Malcolm Smith wrote:
> I read Boost.Function info and it sounds like part of the solution.
> Is there a way of associating a key with a container of *different*
> boost.Function's ?

Not directly. How are you planning to invoke functions in this map? You gave
the example:

  // I know this is not valid code but it explains what I'm after
  typedef std::map<int, *pf(...)> StateFunctions;

  void Method1(void);
  int Method2(TCustomClass &MyClass);

  StateFunctions[1] = Method1;
  StateFunctions[2] = Method2;

My question is: do you really want the parameter lists to be different for
StateFunctions[1] and StateFunctions[2], meaning that when calling you might
need something like:

foo = StateFunctions[x];
if (foo has arity zero)
else if (foo has arity one with type TCustomClass)
else if (...)
  etc. etc.


Or are all the parameters to the functors known when they are put into the
StateFunctions map? Then what you really want is something that achieves the
desired effect:

  StateFunctions[1] = Method1;
  StateFunctions[2] = something that calls Method2 with parameter herClass

If it's the latter case, you've run into the classic Boost.Bind/Boost.Function
(or Boost.Lambda/Boost.Function, if your compiler can handle it) scenario :)

Then you want:

  typedef std::map<int, boost::function<void()> > StateFunctions;
  StateFunctions[1] = &Method1;
  StateFunctions[2] = boost::bind(&Method2, boost::ref(&herClass));

  int x = something();
  StateFunctions[x](); // call the appropriate state function

If it's the former case (different parameter lists), then there's no direct
"Boost way" to do this that I know of.


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