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From: William Trenker wtrenker_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-10 16:56:19

(This isn't really a boost question but I've spent half a day reading
the cvs documentation and am hoping for a bit of help on what I think
is probably a very simple question.)

I have a blazing 33.6K modem connection to the Internet. So when I
do a cvs update of my copy of the boost tree, the mug shots (.jpg
files) in the people subdirectory take quite a long time to be
checked for differences. I don't really need to update those files
so I am trying to get a .cvsignore file to work in the "people"
subdirectory. (I realize these files may not change very often;
still, I would appreciate knowing how to do a .cvsignore for boost
libraries that I'm not using.) But I can't get cvs to recognize the
.cvsignore file.

I created a .cvsignore file, with the line "*.jpg", in the people
sub-directory. But when I run "cvs update" in the people
sub-directory (after "cvs login") cvs gives me a "? .cvsignore"
response and continues updating anyway. I thought maybe I have to
"cvs add" the .cvsignore file, but that doesn't work.

How do I get cvs to "see" my .cvsignore file?


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