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From: olivier_debels olivier_debels_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-16 16:02:03

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "William E. Kempf" <wekempf_at_c...>
> olivier_debels said:
> >
> > I'm using boost_1_29_0 and need to get the id of the current
> Why?
I have several threads which pop messages from the queue. I want to
keep track of what each thread pops (depending on some rules) without
adding an extra parameter (threadId) in the pop-function.

By this way threads just call the pop-function (they don't know
anything about the internal cooking of the queue). They get a
message, which fulfills the rules (one of the rules is f.e. that no
two threads can handle the same message at the same time).

> > Is there a way to get the id of the current thread using boost? I
> > don't see how I can access the current thread (Is there some sort
> > current function?).
> No. This isn't a portable feature. I plan on adding a feature
> similar, and portable, but that's why asked why you need this. I'm
> sure the portable interface will suffice for your needs with out
> what they are.
> > If I could access the current thread, I could write a getId()
> > function (in a class subclassed from boost::thread). Only problem
> > there is the return type. It seems the id is an int in windows
> > environment, a pthread_t in POSIX and a MPTaskID in MACOS.
Those last
> > two seems to be pointers to struct. I guess it is possible to
cast all
> > of them to long (using reinterpret casting), but maybe I am
> > something then.
> Casting this way is non-portable. And I don't believe POSIX
> pthread_t to be a pointer, though I haven't researched that in
depth yet.

I guessed this would not be portable...

> William E. Kempf

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