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From: Daniel Varga (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-18 10:47:06


I'm planning to throw away my own little undirected graph implementation in
favor of Boost Graphs. My implementation is based on an STL
map< Node,set<Node> > adjecency map. I see that it's very easy to get the
same functionality using the BGL adjecency_list.

But what I really like about my implementation is that I have
const set<Node>& Graph::lookupNeighbours(const Node&) const;
This means that in no time I can get a _container_ of the neighbours, and
not just a pair of iterators. Of course teoretically they are equivalent.
But I want to rewrite as little code as possible, so I would like to wrap my
old graph interface around the Boost Graph. (Not hiding its own, better
interface, of course. :) )

Should I write a wrapper container class simulating const set<Node>? Or does
adjecency_list expose the very same const set<Node>& for me?

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