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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-19 22:28:46

At 05:29 PM 12/19/2002, David Abrahams wrote:

>"Daniel Yerushalmi" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> I want to do something equivalant... (in my opinion it should by
>> build all the four (eight including debug/release) option.... )
>Talk to Beman about it; he's the filesystem guy. BTW I'm pretty sure
>there are only six combinations, since the DLL runtime is always

I don't think the issue of exactly which libraries (all six, fewer?) to
build is an isolated filesystem issue.

Rather, it is part of the larger install issue.

By that I mean that we now have a good way to do builds, and it will get
even better with Boost.Build V2. But to some extent, that is a capability,
not a complete solution. The complete solution would deliver a completely
installed set of libraries, ready to go for your compiler.

At first glance, that seems easy. But remember that most of the
expectation-raising examples we are all familiar with work for only one
compiler and one operating system, and are custom-built for that compiler
and O/S. So a general solution is a tough nut to crack.


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