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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-20 11:44:36

Hi John,

Usually the best place for Boost.Python questions is:

John Hunter <jdhunter_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I am trying to get raw pointers and abstract base classes working
> properly with boost::python v2. I am working on an example inspired
> by the tutorial

BTW, more up-to-date docs are here:*checkout*/boost/boost/libs/python/doc/index.html

> In my case, the base class has a pure virtual function, but I don't
> need to override it in python and call it from c++, so I don't think I
> need to do a BaseWrap.
> The problem is that if I try and expose Base to python, I get the
> compiler (gcc 3.2) error:
> g++ -isystem/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/python2.2 -fPIC -ftemplate-depth-100 -c rawpointer.cpp
> /usr/local/include/boost/python/object/value_holder.hpp: In instantiation of `boost::python::objects::value_holder<Base>':
> /usr/local/include/boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp:52: instantiated from `boost::detail::alignment_of_impl<boost::python::objects::value_holder<Base> >'
> /usr/local/include/boost/python/object/instance.hpp:29: instantiated from `boost::alignment_of<boost::python::objects::value_holder<Base> >'
> ...snip...
> rawpointer.cpp:47: instantiated from here
> /usr/local/include/boost/python/object/value_holder.hpp:36: cannot declare
> field `boost::python::objects::value_holder<Base>::m_held' to be of type `
> Base'
> /usr/local/include/boost/python/object/value_holder.hpp:36: because the
> following virtual functions are abstract:
> rawpointer.cpp:15: virtual const std::string& Base::get_name()
> rawpointer.cpp:14: virtual void Base::sayit() const
> make: *** [rawpointer.o] Error 1

Yeah, it's trying to instantiate the copy constructor for your base type.

> {
> class_<Base>("Base", no_init)
> .def("sayit", &Base::sayit);


     class_<Base, noncopyable>("Base", no_init)
         .def("sayit", &Base::sayit);


> class_<Foo, bases<Base> >("Foo")
> .def("sayit", &Foo::sayit);
> class_<Bar, bases<Base> >("Bar")
> .def("sayit", &Bar::sayit);
> def("foofactory", foofactory, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>());
> def("barfactory", barfactory, return_value_policy<manage_new_object>());
> def("simonsays", simonsays);
> }

                       David Abrahams
   dave_at_[hidden] *
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