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From: Juerg Tschirren (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-20 23:40:16

I have trouble getting a boost::python project to compile outside the boost
directory tree.

  I can compile the "hello, world" example in
witout problem.

  But now I would like to start my own project outside the boost tree. To
start with I copied the above "tutorial" directory into my home-directory
and modified the Jamfile to:

#--- begin Jamfile
# Include definitions needed for Python modules
SEARCH on python.jam = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;

include python.jam ;

extension hello : hello.cpp
                : <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT)
#---- end Jamfile

I set
export PYTHON_ROOT=/usr
export BOOST_BUILD_PATH=/usr/lib/boost_1_29_0
export BOOST_ROOT=/usr/lib/boost_1_29_0

(boost is in /usr/lib/boost_1_29_0 and Python 2.2.1 is in /usr/lib/python2.2
and /usr/include/python2.2)

When I now call bjam I get the messages:

../../../Jamrules: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1455: in
*** argument error
* rule is-link-compatible ( feature : value1 : value2 )
* called with: ( <target-type> : PYD : )
* missing argument value2
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1416:see definition of rule
'is-link-compatible' being called
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1502: in link-libraries
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1712: in subvariant-target
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1797: in main-target
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1330: in declare-local-target
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/python.jam:302: in extension
Jamfile:29: in load-jamfiles
/usr/lib/boost/tools/build/bootstrap.jam:15: in boost-build
/usr/lib/boost/boost-build.jam:2: in module scope

I suspect something is wrong with my Jamfile, but what? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.


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