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From: Jeff Holle (jeff.holle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-03 02:59:32

Black Ice wrote:

>boost version 2002-01-02
>VC 7.1 Final Beta
>"error C2668: 'abs' : ambiguous call to overloaded function" when compile
>following code. The same code can be built successfully in vc6.
>Any suggestion are appreciated.
>#include <iostream>
>#include <string>
>using namespace std;
>#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
>#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
>using namespace boost::gregorian;
>using namespace boost::posix_time;
>void testDateTime2()
> date d(2002, Nov, 1); //an arbitrary date
> ptime t1(d, hours(5) + nanosec(100));//date + time of day offset
> ptime t2 = t1 - minutes(4)+seconds(2);
> ptime now = second_clock::local_time(); //use the clock
> //Get the date part out of the time
> date today =;
> date tommorrow = today + date_duration(1);
> ptime tommorrow_start(tommorrow); //midnight
> cout << "d is " << to_iso_extended_string(d) << endl;
> cout << "t1 is " << to_iso_extended_string(t1) << endl;
> cout << "t2 is " << to_iso_extended_string(t2) << endl;
> cout << "now is " << to_iso_extended_string(now) << endl;
> cout << "today is " << to_iso_extended_string(today) << endl;
> cout << "tommorrow is " << to_iso_extended_string(tommorrow) << endl;
> cout << "tommorrow_start is " << to_iso_extended_string(tommorrow_start) <<
> //starting at current time iterator adds by one hour
> time_iterator titr(now,hours(1));
> for (; titr < tommorrow_start; ++titr) {
> cout << to_iso_extended_string(*titr) << endl;
> }
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'abs' ambiguious error is because you opened up the std namespace via
the line 'using std namespace'.
I've found numerous similiar problems when I do the same.

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