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From: Duane Murphy (duanemurphy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-04 01:06:12

--- At Fri, 3 Jan 2003 21:03:52 -0800, Duane Murphy wrote:

>Is there a class filling in the missing piece to the memory management
>puzzle for an auto_array? We have:
>scoped_ptr and scoped_array,
>shared_ptr and shared_arry,
>I would like to have an auto_array. Basically the feature that is missing
>is to create an array, initialize it and then transfer ownership as a way
>of managing exceptions during the initialization phase. For the time
>being I am using a shared_array.

Oops my mistake. shared_array doesnt work either. There's now way to get
the raw pointer and not have it be deleted.

This seems like a hole. What am I missing?


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