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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-04 12:14:13

At 07:01 AM 1/4/2003, John Maddock wrote:

>Looking at your failed command line, it is apparent that neither the /Ze
>the /Za options are set. Further looking down your command line logs, it
>looks to me as though you are trying to build using the vc7 toolset, but
>with the vc6 compiler (hint: your environment is only ever set up for
>run your vc7 version of vcvars32.bat before invoking jam).

I had a variety of that problem recently too. It was what was keeping the
VC++6 regressions from working for a long time.

IIRC, the toolsets invoke vcvars32.bat automatically. But vcvars32.bat is
sometimes generated using the short form of directory names. Then some
subsequent install activity is invalidating those names. I fixed the
problem by hand editing vcvars32.bat to use the full, long, names.


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