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From: martynl_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-01-04 03:10:34

In-Reply-To: <av5tpc$fmj$1_at_[hidden]>
Black Ice,

> After I move the line 'using std namespace', the error still occurs.
> The error occurs in file date_time/time_duration.hpp, line 66.
> min_type minutes() const
> {
> return std::abs(((ticks() / (60*rep_type::res_adjust())) % 60));
> }

For VC++ 7.1, we've enabled by default conformant overloads of abs that
were previously disabled by default. As a result, you'll need to cast the
result of your math to a specific type to ensure you get the abs you want.

Martyn Lovell
Software Architect
Visual C++ Team - Libraries
email: lnytram_at_tfosorcim.moc
[Spam-avoidance: reverse each word in the email address before use]
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