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From: Randy Bowen (rbowen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-07 16:40:29

I'm in the process of updating some applications from use of Boost
1.28.0 to 1.29.0, using MSVC7. I've noticed that a number of static
assertions that used to compile now generate errors. The assertions all
use is_integral to perform a type validation - e.g.:


This produces an error of the form:

Framework\State Machine Engine\StringSerializer.h(145) : error C2027:
use of undefined type 'boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<x>'
Framework\State Machine Engine\StringSerializer.h(143) : see reference
to class template instantiation
parameter>>' being compiled
Framework\State Machine Engine\StringSerializer.h(169) : see reference
to class template instantiation 'sme::StringSerializer<_StringType,>'
being compiled

I believe that the data type is integral, and is complete at compile
time. Any known reason why this would happen?

Randy Bowen

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