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Boost Users :

From: Paul C. Leopardi (leopardi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-08 17:22:12

GluCat is a new numeric template class library, hopefully destined for
promotion to Boost. I would like to know where there is some documentation on
how to:
1. Add concepts. Is there such a thing as a non-commutative algebra concept?
How do I check concepts?
2. Add numeric limits. Limits of eg. framed_multi<T> would default to limits
of T.
3. Add numeric promotion_traits. What are promotion_traits ? There is
currently a discussion on ublas-dev mailing list about promotion_traits
within uBLAS.
3. Add numeric type_traits.

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 00:18, you wrote:
> Paul,
> unfortunately this post is off topic for Boost-Users, and is thus
> rejected. While it may well be of interest to some of our subscribers,
> and the usage of uBLAS is a nice success story, we do not allow
> announcement postings - only topics related to usage of Boost libraries.
> Regards,
> Bjorn Karlsson
> Moderator

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