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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-10 17:04:08

On Friday 10 January 2003 08:39 am, "svanechel wrote:
> Hi,
> The signal FAQ says that currently boost::signals aren't thread-safe.
> I'm guessing this applies to connecting/disconnecting slots from
> different threads and calling a signal from multiple threadsl, right?


> If synchronize access when connecting slots and make sure that only a
> single thread calls a certain signal, can I then use boost::signal to
> fire events from objects that do processing in a worker thread?

Yes. So long as you do not connect or disconnect a slot while a signal is
calling slots, you'll be safe. It's also okay to invoke the same signal
concurrently, so long as no connections/disconnections are made and the
combiner can handle it.

> As a secondary question: how far in the future will this thread-
> safety support be added?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sven

Not very soon. I'm currently deep in development of a documentation system for
Boost, and I don't have the time to sustain another (major!) effort.


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