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From: sa3h1n sa3h1n_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-10 19:16:37

Thanks for the help, Paolo.

Unfortunately, I need both iterator stability which I cannot get
with vecS and visualization capability which I cannot get with
listS/setS. So finally, I have settled on a quick and dirty
solution for visualizing listS/setS graphs. I use graphviz to write
out the graph with addresses instead of integral vertex indices, and
then filter graphviz output through a perl script to map 0x00146e60 -
> 0, 0x00146e78 -> 1 and so on. Not the best but it will have to do
for now.

Unless you know of any other good graph layout/visualization package
out there, do you ... :-)


--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Paolo Fosser <pfosser_at_s...>
> "sa3h1n " wrote:
> >
> > BGL gurus:
> >
> > I would like to use listS for vertex and edge lists because of
> > iterator stability.
> >
> > However, if I run the following code:
> >
> > ------------
> > // use listS
> > typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS> Pgraph;
> > // use vecS
> > typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS> Pgraph2;
> >
> > int num_vertices = 2;
> > Pgraph pg (num_vertices);
> > boost::graph_traits<Pgraph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
> > boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(pg);
> >
> > Pgraph2 pg2 (num_vertices);
> > boost::graph_traits<Pgraph2>::vertex_iterator vi2, vi_end2;
> > boost::tie(vi2, vi_end2) = vertices(pg2);
> >
> > for (vi, vi2; vi != vi_end && vi2 != vi_end2; vi++, vi2++)
> > {
> > std::cout << *vi << std::endl;
> > std::cout << *vi2 << std::endl;
> > }
> > ------------
> >
> > I get the following output:
> >
> > ------------
> > 0x00146e60 <- this is *vi which uses listS
> > 0 <- this is *vi2 which uses vecS
> > 0x00146e78 <- this is *vi which uses listS
> > 1 <- this is *vi2 which uses vecS
> > ------------
> >
> > One of the problems with this is when I try to display the graph
> > using write_graphviz. Vertex indices turn out be 0x0014e60 etc
> > instead of nice numbers like 0, 1, etc.
> >
> > Tracing execution through the debugger, it appears that vi and
> > vi_end are of type generic_iterator(), whereas vi2 and vi2_end
> > of type iterator_adaptor() defined in
boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp .
> > Unfortunately, this is where my c++ expertise peters out.
> >
> > So what is happenning here?
> First of all when you dereference a vertex_iterator you get a
> vertex_descriptor. You get that output because when vertexlist is
> vertex_descriptor happens to be a pointer (an address), whereas
> vertexlist is vecS it happens to be an integral type (don't know
> precisely which, though). However you shouldn't be concerned with
> lowlevel stuff as vertex_descriptors are to be treated as handles
> thus not printed. Instead you should use a property_map (which
maps a
> vertex_descriptor to something else, e.g. an index).
> Turning to write_graphviz, I had to use it, too. The only solution
> conceived was to use a type with vertexList=vecS when I had to
> (or display) graphs.
> > And is there anything I can do to ensure
> > iterator stability while using vecS?
> Sorry, this I don't know.
> >
> > Any help will be much appreciated,
> > S
> >
> And I hope the above will help.
> --
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