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From: Amittai Aviram (amittai_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-21 20:16:47

Hi! I am using boost::regex_grep() and boost::regex_search(), and I've
figured out how to set a given rule to be case-insensitive when I transform
it from a string into a rule -- i.e., --
boost::regex("search[[:space:]]string", boost::regbase::normal |
This is great. But in many regular expression processing environments, you
also have the option to specify case-insensitivity (or sensitivity) within
the rule string itself. For instance, in Perl, you do it with the /i switch
at the end of the rule string, and in some environments you can use (?i) to
make the following characters case-insensitive when processed and then (?-i)
to switch case sensitivity back on. I didn't see any mention of any such
thing in the regex documentation. Is this option not available in
boost::regex? Thanks!

Amittai Aviram

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