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From: Ferdinand Prantl (ferdinand.prantl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-24 06:07:59

> From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 02:50
> At one time we published a header dependency chart, but as Boost grew
> it became unwieldy and we no longer produce it.
> There have been past discussions on how to meet this need, and the
> consensus is that usually what is required is a library (rather than
> header) dependency analysis.

  Yes, I agree, it is almost impossible considering which files to include
  and which not with the current size of the boost package. It is sensible
  to declare explicitely library dependencies (tree) and use them.

  Nevertheless, I created a perl script some time ago to display header
  and library dependencies in my library with references to boost headers.
  I hacked it quickly to work with boost only; if you are interested it is

> This would be fairly easy to produce, using a number of Boost's own
> libraries, of course:-)
> But the holdup is that it is only a medium priority task, and lately
> has been pushed aside in favor of higher priority work. If
> someone else wants
> to take this one over, I'd be glad to hand it off. We want to do it
> entirely in C++, so any Booster can maintain it.

  Well, currently I'm happily unpacking all boost but I like the idea;
  for example, for such a project I would like to use smart pointers only...

  I could spend some time on such a tool if anyone is interested, firstly
  gathering the requirements and then developing it.

> --Beman

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