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From: Nuno Lucas (depdev.sdi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-24 13:02:43

On 24 Jan 2003 at 11:41, Beman Dawes wrote:
> At 06:07 AM 1/24/2003, Ferdinand Prantl wrote:
> >> From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
> >> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 02:50
> >>
> >> At one time we published a header dependency chart, but as Boost
> grew >> it became unwieldy and we no longer produce it. >> >> There
> have been past discussions on how to meet this need, and the >>
> consensus is that usually what is required is a library (rather than
> >> header) dependency analysis. > > Yes, I agree, it is almost
> impossible considering which files to
> include
> > and which not with the current size of the boost package. It is
> sensible
> > to declare explicitely library dependencies (tree) and use them. >
> > Nevertheless, I created a perl script some time ago to display
> header > and library dependencies in my library with references to
> boost
> headers.
> > I hacked it quickly to work with boost only; if you are interested
> it
> is
> >at
> >
> >
> >> This would be fairly easy to produce, using a number of Boost's
> own >> libraries, of course:-) >> >> But the holdup is that it is
> only a medium priority task, and lately >> has been pushed aside in
> favor of higher priority work. If >> someone else wants >> to take
> this one over, I'd be glad to hand it off. We want to do it >>
> entirely in C++, so any Booster can maintain it. > > Well, currently
> I'm happily unpacking all boost but I like the idea; > for example,
> for such a project I would like to use smart pointers >only... > > I
> could spend some time on such a tool if anyone is interested, firstly
> > gathering the requirements and then developing it.
> Ferda,
> Yes! There is definite interest! Let me know if I can do anything to
> help.
> --Beman
I would help too. It seems to me that it is a good learning expericence
for using the Spirit, BGL and maybe boost.threads modules.

  ~Nuno Lucas

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