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Boost Users :

From: Brian bneal_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-30 20:08:41

Hello again,
A while back I posted a series of questions about what other people
had done to make their companies lawyers happy about using boost in a
commercial project. If you remember, I stated that our lawyers were
worried that someone could post someone else's code to boost, passing
it of as his own. Our company would then be liable for copyright
infringement and other bad things. We thought at the time that we
would have to contact each and every boost developer (whose libraries
we use) and get them to sign something to say in effect "Yes I wrote
this and you have permission to use it". This raised interesting
questions like "should there be a standard boost license to make this
process less painful"?

Well our contracts guy got back to my team of developers. He checked
out and did some research on boost. He came to the
conclusion that boost was a widely known and used resource, and I
guess "trustworthy". All he told us to do was include the boost
developers copyright statements on any GUI and to embed said
copyright strings into the executable along with ours. Somehow we
lucked out.

I hope you all have sensible people working for your company too.


And special thanks to the authors of the crc, shared_ptr, regex, and
any libraries. You guys ROCK!

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at