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From: Erik Arner (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-03 05:21:01

David Abrahams wrote:
> Erik Arner <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> writes:
> Modelling Sequence or RandomAccessContainer correctly for data that is
> not always in-memory is notoriously difficult. Typically it requires
> iterators which store their value_type internally, so dereferencing
> returns an internal reference to the iterator itself.

OK, as my knowledge regarding this is fairly limited, do you have any
pointers to books or articles (on paper or on the web) that discuss this

> The Boost
> Iterator Adaptors library can be a help with constructing conforming
> iterators (also notoriously difficult).

Point taken.

> Of course, the BGL's use of
> descriptors instead of heavy data may help get you around this problem.

If you have the time, please elaborate!

> You might consider whether the problem gets any easier if you don't
> try to use adjacency_list, but instead model the Graph concept
> yourself. I've done that several times; it's not as hard as it might
> seem.

This certainly seems like a better solution than my original idea. Thanks!


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