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From: Duane Murphy (duanemurphy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-05 11:19:21

--- At Wed, 5 Feb 2003 09:48:17 +0100, Toon Knapen wrote:

>On Tuesday 04 February 2003 17:18, Tom Matelich wrote:
>> Who is running those tests, and what version of aCC is that?
>I am. I'm using aCC version 53800 currently installed on an HPUX11i. You
> might notice on the HP website that the latest release was 53700 so it's
> newer than new ;-) Nevertheless, conformance is still bad.

This is out of curiosity following this thread, but conformance to what
is still bad? Arent the boost tests testing "conformance" to boost
libraries or the ability to compile and execute boost libraries? This is
quite different from "conforming" to the standard. I exepect that boost
tries to stay within the confines of the standard, but clearly many boost
libraries push the envelope.

While many compiler vendors strive to be able to compile boost, is this
really a measure of Standard C++ conformance?



With the low marks that aCC is getting, I can imagine that its Standard
C++ conformance is probably very low as well.

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