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Boost Users :

From: Duane Murphy (duanemurphy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-10 11:27:23

--- At Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:20:57 +0200, Peter Dimov wrote:

>Black Ice wrote:
>> As following manner:
>> shared_ptr<Foo> ptr(new Foo());
>> ...
>> Foo * p = ptr.release();
>No, it cannot. If you want to release ownership, use auto_ptr. In general,
>you can't destroy the shared_ptr pointer yourself, since you don't know how
>the shared_ptr has been created.

It seems then that Boost might benefit from an extended auto_ptr
implementation. shared_ptr and friends provide for alternative delete
functions where as auto_ptr does not.


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