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From: msternerkthse msterner_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-15 15:49:58

The following code on line 841 of c_regex_traits.cpp in the regex
library caused a crash when I used it in CodeWarrior 8.1 under OSX:

  std::string l(std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0));

Afaict the crash was caused by setlocale() returning 0. To fix this I
had to resort to the following ugly hack:

  namespace std
    const char* mysetlocale(int, const char*) { return "C"; }
  #include "boost/regex.hpp"
  #define setlocale mysetlocale
  #include "boost/regex/src.cpp"

The C locale was used because I had BOOST_REGEX_USE_C_LOCALE defined.
I didn't want to use the C++ locale since it doesn't even provide the
basic 0x00-0xFF unicode case mapping that's built into the C locale
(due to limited locale support in CW I guess). I'm using the wregex

Mikael Sterner

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